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The best way to know if I am a good fit for your care is to have a heart to heart.

Homebirth Midwifery Package

What's Included

Comprehensive hour long prenatal appointments 

Monthly visits until 28 weeks, every other week until 36 weeks, and every week after until you give birth. During this time we monitor your physical health,  listen to the baby's heart beat, answer questions, go over testing options for you and baby and build a relationship of trust so that when it comes time to give birth, you feel fully supported. 


Care during your labor and two midwives present at the time of birth. We will stay 2-4 hours postpartum.


Postpartum visits Three during the first week, and visits at 2 and 6 weeks. ​These include weight checks for baby, breastfeeding support, monitoring your physical recovery and supporting your transition into mothering a new baby. 



One prenatal and one postpartum bodywork session. Read more about this here



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24/7 on call support 

Birth tub

Lab draws

Collaborative Care

Sometimes home is not the most appropriate place to give birth. This can be the case in pregnancies that are high risk. However, this should not exclude you from receiving the type of care that you desire. I offer collaborative care for those who are planning to give birth in the hospital but would like the continuity, time, relationship, and trust piece of the Midwifery Model. Prenatal and Postpartum visits stay the same for the most part and we make an individualized plan for birth to meet your needs.

Midwives Model of Care™ Is Client-Centered


"The Midwives Model of Care™ is a fundamentally different approach to pregnancy and childbirth than contemporary obstetrics. Midwifery care is uniquely nurturing, hands-on care before, during, and after birth. Midwives are health care professionals specializing in pregnancy and childbirth who develop a trusting relationship with their clients, which results in confident, supported labor and birth. While there are different types of midwives practicing in various settings, all midwives are trained to provide comprehensive prenatal care and education, guide labor and birth, address complications, and care for newborns. The Midwives Model of Care™ is based on the fact that pregnancy and birth are normal life events. The Midwives Model of Care includes:

  • monitoring the physical, psychological and social well-being of the mother/birthing parent throughout the childbearing cycle

  • providing the mother with individualized education, counseling, and prenatal care, continuous hands-on assistance during labor and delivery, and postpartum support

  • minimizing technological interventions and

  • identifying and referring women  who require obstetrical attention."


-Excerpt taken from Midwives Alliance of North America. Visit their website to learn more about the Midwives Model of Care. 

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